Healing Justice: How We Do What We Do

What we do:

Healing Justice was founded 4 years ago with the overarching mission of addressing the individual and collective harm caused by wrongful convictions, through restorative justice and justice reform. Over the years we have worked with this single goal in mind, faithfully pursuing opportunities for healing individuals, families, and communities affected by wrongful convictions. 

We have developed 2 signature programs, with guidance from restorative justice leaders and other leaders, each serving to address the widespread and lifelong impacts of these justice failures. All of our work is led by impacted people, with the goal of restoring their voices and empowering them to become leaders of change in their own communities.

Who We Serve:

There are many individuals who sustain trauma in these cases and need the support and service Healing Justice offers. We serve anyone who has been impacted directly or indirectly. That includes the crime victims and their families and exonerated people and their families, as well as victim advocates, social service providers, judges and jurors, prosecutors and justice providers. Wrongful convictions cause lasting trauma that is multi-generational and spreads deep into communities. 

How We Serve:

In our efforts to heal individuals and communities impacted by wrongful convictions, we essentially take 2 different, but intertwined routes to meet our goals: restorative justice and justice reform:

Restorative Justice:

Our restorative justice efforts include facilitating restorative justice circles and hosting Healing Justice Retreats. A restorative justice circle is an intentional gathering of affected individuals to address the harm of wrongful convictions.  Our Healing Justice Retreats are held for impacted people at a beautiful location, with ample qualified staff to offer an environment of felt safety and support. We offer retreats focused on individual healing as well as community healing across different perspectives. 

Justice Reform:

Our justice reform efforts include listening sessions, training, technical assistance, and providing tools for justice providers and policymakers. We have partnered with the US Department of Justice, the national Innocence Network, as well as other national and local organizations representing. police, prosecution and victims organizations.

Over the years we have seen lives changed, restoration found, and systems improved. We are energized by the fruit of our efforts, and all the more motivated to increase our reach to offer support, care, and ultimately, healing, to communities across the country.

Katie MonroeHealing Justice